We’d love to see you at our community bonfire.

Hello Wonder.

A couple of years ago, Britt said to me, “When I make it to 10 years at Firefly, I want a party.”

I loved that gusto and I held her words close to my heart. When we started creeping up on her anniversary, we started to brainstorm.

This is what we came up with. Dusk in a big city park. A bonfire for our community. An invitation for all of us to pause and celebrate accomplishments, small and large.

Truth: The word “accomplishment” makes me squirm.

It always feels like something out of reach, something I’m supposed to be working harder for.

Can we turn that around?

Accomplishments are all around us if we pay attention. Like getting out of bed today. Like finishing a poem this year. Like springtime, at last.

At this event, we’ll be celebrating Britt’s ten years, and we’ll also be celebrating all the creative things — small and large — that you’ve accomplished.


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