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Sweet Summer- Part two

“Summer afternoon; summer afternoon;  to me those have always been the two most beautiful words  in the English language.”  Henry James Summer morning, afternoon and night are celebration-worthy,  don’t you agree?! compilation # 2  of summer mementos (sweet summer part one HERE) Sweet summer is mornings, swathed in soft-mist cape A rushing recurrence of wonder,…

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So easy to romanticize the past But not so easy today Not when the sun is gone For good, this time      And no parting remarks will suffice Her words like medicine I love you Perhaps would prove a fatal dose Or with each syllable heal me thrice      If she could hold me close I’m…

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Let there be love and light

In life we face trials, blunders, and strife, Yet through it all, we learn and we grow. Lessons divine, guiding us through this life, Teaching us what we need to truly know. Temporary is our time on this earth, Seeking our piece of heaven above. Nothing lasts forever, not even our worth, But through it…

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Looking Back

I never saw him in an overcoat although mother said he did wear one in that bad winter of 1947 when all the men took shovels to work, digging a path for nearly two miles, something that wouldn’t happen today ~ he would never steal anything but would often come home with off-cuts of leather…

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Witches and Angels

This world of twisted labels and deceit, He fancies himself an angel, pure and sweet, While she, by him, is called a witch, Yet their roles are reversed, a bewitching glitch.   He claims to soar with celestial grace, Wielding magic in a darkened space, But angels know no gender, nor such tricks, People call…

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