Use Your Cover Design To Create A Love Match | Self-Publishing Relief

Use Your Cover Design To Create A Love Match | Self-Publishing Relief

They stop and stare, and smiles slowly light up their faces. Are star-crossed lovers finally meeting? No, these are readers checking out your self-published book cover! Your book cover design is your ultimate point-of-purchase sales pitch; it should entice and convince your potential audience to click “buy.” At Self-Publishing Relief, our design experts know all the tips and tricks of how to use your cover design to create a love match with your buyers.


How To Create A Cover Design That Turns Heads

Eye-Catching Title: Make sure your title font is easy to read, and that the color stands out from the cover art. Keep in mind that readers looking for a book love match may first see your cover online, so the title should be easy to see even in a thumbnail image. An effective book cover design is all about legibility.

Standout Design: Just as it can be hard to find your date in a crowded restaurant, you don’t want your title to get lost in an overly busy design. Make sure the cover artwork that you choose allows enough room for your title and your author name to stand out. Book covers have a limited amount of space, so keep your design to one main element or feature. A crowded, overstuffed cover makes it hard for your buyers to focus. Readers do judge a book by its cover, so it’s important that yours makes a good first impression!

Genre-Specific Elements: Of course, you want your book cover to be unique, but it’s important to know the tropes and expectations for your genre in order to attract the right audience. Each genre has its own design style, so take a look at other covers in your genre to get a sense of what elements you should include. For instance, the cover design for a romance novel will often feature a flowing typeface, a couple, and warm colors or bright pastels. Meanwhile, a mystery or thriller cover will have darker elements, eerie landscapes or obscured images, and a title in a color that’s a stark contrast to the image.

Quality Artwork: When meeting your soulmate, you want to look your best! You also want your book cover to look professionally designed—nothing screams self-published “amateur” more than sloppy artwork or poor-quality images. There shouldn’t be anything on your book cover that looks blurry, awkwardly stretched, or photoshopped.

By following these tips, you’ll create a book cover design that’s irresistible to your readers. But if you’d rather leave the design work to professionals, the experts at Self-Publishing Relief can create a custom book cover for you! You can also take a look at our predesigned book covers to see if there’s a design that works for your book. Set up a free, no-obligation consultation call to learn more about our cover options for e-books and print books.


Question: What book cover is one of your favorites?


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