Love Letter from a Father

For today’s prompt, write a persona poem.

 A persona poem is just a poem narrated in the voice of a persona who is not yourself.

Because I grant no guarantees

I tick and tock, I fly and chime…

Dear You, proprietor of dreams

And plans, that I alone estrange

Where, no matter the age, it seems

Human Nature will never change

Dear You, I’d like to, if I may

Before I take you by surprise 

And what now seems secure, falls prey

To resting places I disguise   

I’d like to remind you to pause

And ponder well, all I have lent

Making the most of Now, because

You never know when I am spent

Futile to want what Bygone seals

Or wish for what may never be

Better the hour that still peals

With fleeting opportunity 

Some think that I am on their side

And live as if I thought so too

But I am the taut, tender tide

 That tugs and tolls with dust and dew 

No respecter of persons, I

Am but a servant too, you see

Morning, noon, night is my reply

To a Higher Authority

Before it is to late to give

What I cannot, when ‘we‘ have passed

I want to remind you to live

As if each day could be your last

Because I grant no guarantees

I tick and tock, I fly and chime

My legacy, your memories,

Yours duly, truly, 

Father Time

© Janet Martin


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