7 essential considerations when upgrading your home

Upgrading your home is a very important lifestyle decision that will have a significant impact on your standard of living.

However, it is also a very important financial decision.

Making wise choices can greatly improve your financial position, but mistakes can be very costly and impair your ability to build wealth.

Second Home

(1) Approach the decision with an investment lens

Traditionally, we don’t buy our homes with a financial motive.

Most people want to live in a location they enjoy that is close to work, schools, family, friends, and other interests.

These tend to be the main considerations.

However, if you buy well, a home can be a wonderful investment for a few reasons.

Firstly, homes tend to be aspirational which means we push our financial budget to get into a desirable area.

Secondly, we tend to hold homes for a long period, often many decades, which means we enjoy the power of compounding capital growth.

And lastly, thanks to the main resident CGT exemption, the capital growth is tax-free.

It is for these reasons that I encourage people to apply an investment lens when choosing which home to buy.

Put differently, I encourage people to buy a home that would otherwise make a wonderful, long-term investment.

This is often achievable as investment-grade properties, by definition, should appeal to a wide audience by being situated in a desirable location, the dwelling is appealing, liveable with a good floor plan, most amenities are in close proximity and so on.

Whilst acknowledging that lifestyle considerations are paramount, it’s often possible to find a home that aligns with both lifestyle preferences and investment objectives.

By prioritising properties with strong investment potential, homeowners can enjoy the best of both worlds.

(2) Be realistic whilst also aggressive

It’s advisable to stretch your comfort zone and borrow more so that you can afford to buy a higher-quality home.

However, it’s crucial not to overextend yourself to the point where it hinders your ability to invest outside of the family home in the future.

Many people adopt the mindset that they should limit home loan borrowings as much as possible.

However, this approach can be counterproductive, as minimising your borrowings and therefore budget invites you to make costly compromises on aspects of the property to get into your desired suburb.

Such compromises may include purchasing a property located on a busy main road, one with a poor floor plan, or a block with an irregular shape, among others.

Instead, it’s advisable for most people to maximise their borrowing capacity up to their comfort limit, to maximise their budget, enabling them to purchase the highest quality property available.

Doing so will likely maximise future capital growth and equity. You can then borrow against this equity in the future to invest in other assets, such as property or shares.

While increasing borrowings does help you buy a higher-quality asset, it’s crucial to avoid over-borrowing.

You’ve borrowed too much if your home loan repayments consume most of your income throughout your working years, hindering your ability to invest in assets outside of the family home.

It’s essential to have both a debt repayment plan and an investment strategy in place, ensuring that you can fund retirement without relying on selling or downsizing your home.

Over-borrowing jeopardises your ability to enjoy a comfortable retirement.

Therefore, it is critical to determine the right level of borrowings – enough to allow you to buy a high-quality home, but not too much that it becomes a financial hindrance.

Buy Home 4

(3) Should you retain your existing home as an investment?

Homeowners typically have strong emotional attachments to their properties, which can cloud their judgment.

While many believe their home would make a good investment, this is often not the case.

When considering whether to retain your existing home it’s essential to assess factors such as borrowing capacity, loan-to-value ratios, and cash flow.

Often there is too much ungeared equity in existing homes which is inefficient and means owners are better off selling.

If retaining your current home isn’t financially feasible, selling the existing property becomes a straightforward decision.

If retaining the existing home as an investment is viable, seeking independent advice is crucial.

This ensures an objective evaluation of whether the property possesses sufficient positive attributes to warrant it investment worthy.

(4) Try to buy first and sell later

Selling your current home before finding a replacement property presents the challenge of uncertainty regarding the timeframe to secure a new home.

Without purchasing a new home before your current one settles, you risk being without accommodation.

However, committing to a 12-month lease might not be desirable if you anticipate finding a suitable home to buy soon.

This dilemma makes selling first less than ideal.

It is also more convenient to sell your existing home after you have moved out.

This avoids having to prepare for 2-3 open houses per week, which can be quite disruptive and stressful, especially if you have a young family.


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