True beauty of hijab

29th June, 2024

5.30 a.m.


In the beauty of hijab lies a secret divine,

Not just a cloth, but a soul’s pure shrine.

It shields my body, yes, that is true,

Yet its true essence lies in what it imbues.


A canopy of peace, a shade from above,

A symbol of faith, an act of love.

It veils my form, but reveals what’s within,

A coolness of spirit, a cleansing of sin.


The hijab adorns not just my frame,

But guards my heart from worldly flame.

It guides my steps on the path so straight,

In obedience to my Lord, I find my fate.


Beyond the fabric, beyond the veil,

Lies a beauty that cannot fail.

An internal glow, a tranquil joy,

A bond with Allah that cannot destroy.


It honors womanhood, it dignifies our role,

It nurtures humility, it makes us whole.

In modesty, we find our strength,

In piety, we go to great lengths.


A believer’s mark, both seen and unseen,

A statement of faith, a soul serene.

It proclaims our allegiance to the divine,

In the light of hijab, our virtues shine.


From dawn till dusk, in every hour,

The hijab is our sacred bower.

A shield from sin, a cloak of grace,

In its embrace, we find our place.


So let the world see, let them know,

In hijab’s beauty, our faith does show.

It is a symbol, a sign of our creed,

In its folds, we find what we need.


For in the beauty of hijab, we find our way,

Cloaked in righteousness, come what may.

In submission to Allah, our hearts alight,

In the beauty of hijab, we find true delight.


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