The Quest for Happiness by Andrews

The Quest for Happiness by Andrews The first book in the MacTire Legends series, The Quest for Happiness by Andrews is a gripping romantic fantasy. In a new search for love, self-acceptance, and belonging, Adam faces unimaginable dark turns, as the unsuspected truth about Adam’s family heritage resurfaces, shattering his tranquil life.

Adam is a biologist and an entrepreneur with a golden heart who built a successful sanctuary for wild animals. Thanks to his dedication and knowledge, he’s made the shelter into a unique hub for researchers and the community to understand their environment better. His relationship to animals has always been astonishingly profound – when he was a little boy, his beloved adoptive parents soon learned they needn’t worry when Adam approached bears or wolves on camping holidays in the woods, as he shared a strangely deep bond, especially with wolves.

On a day when he feels tired and unwell, he goes home to find a world-crumbling surprise – members of his biological family are looking for him to tell him the unspeakable truth about his true parents, and his true self, upending everything he knew to be real. Only his relationship with the captivating Kate can bring his life to some balance.

Unlike many other works of paranormal fantasy, the emphasis here is on emotional connections and well-being, resulting in a book that is surprisingly tender thanks to Andrews’ accessible and flowing prose. Written in an intimate voice and engaging rhythm, the novel follows Adam from the U.S. to a tiny Irish Island, as he tries to fully embrace his new life, and readers will feel like they’re on Adam’s side throughout the book, given he is such a sympathetic and well-crafted character, without relying on sentimentality.

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