Take Your Book on a Whirlwind Tour

What is a Virtual Book Tour?

A Virtual Book Tour is very similar to a physical book tour. However, instead of loading up copies of your book and driving from bookstore to bookstore and radio station to radio station to promote, you and/or your book can make “appearances” on blogs and social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube – while you stay put in the comfort of your own home. Unlike a physical book tour, your Virtual Book Tour is a permanent part of your web presence. Your tour stays archived and available for internet searches forever.

If traveling to promote your book in person is not currently an option for you, a Virtual Book Tour is a quick, cost-effective way to instantly promote your book on a variety of high-profile venues—venues that could result in valuable book reviews and interview opportunities.

How does a Virtual Book Tour Launch work?

Outskirts Press uses the power of the blogosphere to launch your Virtual Book Tour with two guaranteed blog appearances on SelfPublishingNews.com and SelfPublishingAdvisor.com. Automated aggregation will then announce and promote those blog appearances to our Facebook and Twitter communities, resulting in a combined grand-total of approximately 60,000 “touches” with active readers and writers. Avid readers who are connected via these social media and blogging platforms will “meet” you and learn about your book thru these virtual appearances.

Once your appearances are scheduled, you will receive the dates along with a Virtual Book Tour packet that contain all the materials and information you need to continue your Virtual Book Tour on additional blogs, websites and social networks. Bloggers and other social media movers and shakers often schedule book reviews or author interviews based on the information they receive via your Virtual Book Tour.

Outskirts Press will register you with a complimentary “digital clipping service,” which tracks all of your book’s virtual book appearances. Each time your book is mentioned anywhere on the internet, you will receive a notification so you can follow the buzz about your book in real time, and even participate in the discussion about your book through the comments sections. The clipping service feature allows you to immediately follow up with each blogger, as well as comment on their blogs, so you can have meaningful interactions with interested readers. Interactions like these can help you build a loyal readership!

Click here to book your virtual book tour today

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