STI Analysis — the next peak and trough ? (116)

Continued from STI Analysis — the next peak and trough ? (115)
FTSE STI closed at 3,321.82 on 21st Apr 2023
Magenta — STI Positive

Like it or not after 1 month, there isn’t any significant changes to the wave count for this scenario.  STI probably is slowly edging toward the peak of the B wave for either Intermediate wave ((a)) or Intermediate wave ((c)) of Primary wave 2.  Do note that for this scenario of the wave count, the near term upside is very limited before STI commences on the final fall of the corrective wave.
Green — STI Negative

If the positive scenario shows little change, this negative scenario practically can be considered stall in which STI is in the Primary wave A of Cycle wave (C) of SuperCycle wave ((C)).  For this scenario, the worst is yet to…


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