SMFS Members Published in Put Out the Lights and Cry: A Diner Noir Anthology


Several SMFS members are published in the recently
released, Put Out the Lights and Cry: A Diner Noir Anthology. Published by Outcast
Press, the read is available in print and digital formats from the
, Amazon,
and other vendors. The members in the book are:


Margaret S. Hamilton with “PIckup at the Main
Street Diner.”


Karen Keeley with “Stuck in the Middle.”


Joseph S. Walker with “Denim.”



What could be more noir than a diner? From the greasy
spoon to the gourmet sit-in, these 19 stories show why diners aren’t family
friendly. Diners are the place where heists are plotted, bodies get dumped
behind, and police are tipped off. These eateries host every crime from
domestic disputes and drug deals to premeditated murder and mob mutiny. It’s
all fluorescent-lit, fly-riddled entertainment to the drunk, recovering, or

Whether the characters are the cooks, criminals,
customers, or somewhere in-between, these short works pack a gut punch on par
with the saltiest, soggiest Grand Slam breakfast special. There’re breakups and
bruises, gambling rackets and gang warfare, butchering and familial
dismemberment–even schmoes tapping into a parallel universe or two. No matter
who enters or at what time, wet, weary eyes always seem to find a steaming cup
of joe to cloud-gaze in–and cry.

(Forewords by Nevada McPherson and Manny Torres,
titled, “Get in, loser. We’re Going to Waffle House!”)


1. Moths by LG Thomson

2. Pluto’s Place by Stephen J. Golds

3. The Fragrant Flavor of the Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
by Jhon Sanchez

4. Honey Oil by Paige Johnson

5. What’s Left of the Sun by Michael J. Riser

6. Ramblers, L.B.C. by Nolan Knight

7. Vonyetta Mosley’s Marzipan Palace by David Simmons

8. Middle Men by Liv Strom

9. Scar on Scar by Jon Gingerich

10. A Confederate Engaged to a Jihadist by Nathan

11. Two Boys in a Diner by Dino Parenti

12. Atomic Getaway by Jesse Bethea

13. Denim by Joseph S. Walker

14. Watch Yourself by Gordon Dunleavy

15. Stuck in the Middle by Karen Keeley

16. The Eternal Flame Diner by Meredith C. Kurz

17. The Bigger Man by Jim Thomsen

18. Pickup At The Main Street Diner by Margaret S.

19. Help Wanted by Wil Dalton


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