sky split above me

and so the sky split above her. 

the sky that held her world and all that she knew. 

it fell, 

it fell for days and months at a time. 

she built forests with trees as high as she could imagine,

she asked them to sow the sky back up. 

and she played her music and she walked on,

she traverses the planes of her life.

but the sky is still split, and all she knows or knew is still falling.

the faith of living, the truest part of life is living,

lost to a broken sky.

but one day the sky will be black

open and full of nothing at all.

and maybe instead of up she’ll glance down,

the grass looks as it does.

or forward.

because looking behind her is getting worn.

being scared of all that is, 

is worn.

losing things you have never had, or couldnt ever lose.

the people she leaves behind, the her she lost, 

they sit there on the horizon, they are beside her.

they dont wither to nothing. nothing does. 

the feeling lost to a new sky, 

and the trees will still be there holding her hope high above her reach,

so she cant ever, not ever, get rid of it.




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