National Library Week: Library Tips for Authors

Libraries can be a GREAT place for authors to get the word out about their book. Here are some tips on how to get in touch with a local library.

Decide what libraries to try

Make a list of nearby libraries to pitch your book to. How many and how far is up to you. You can try one near your place of residence, or many in your area. 


Pitch yourself

Coming up with an “elevator pitch” of your book is helpful for promotion generally, and this proves true when pitching your book to a library. In less than a minute, you should be able to explain the jist of your book and why it belongs in the library. Write something down and rehearse your talking points before you approach the library! 

Donate your book

Another important strategy is to donate a copy of your book. Most libraries purchase their books through distributors, but also accept donations. Donating a copy of your book will be seen as a nice gesture and an act of giving back to your community.

Ask about events

As community centers, libraries often hold events such as author talks. Make sure to ask about holding such an event at the library, if you would like! Author events at a local library are a great way to get your name out there and establish yourself in the community. 

Get involved

Get involved with your local libraries in other ways! Volunteering and attending events are great networking opportunities to connect with others in the world of books!



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