Member Milestones: Celebrating Your Success

Welcome back to member milestones. Today, the Alliance of Independent Authors is continuing the series of posts celebrating your success. As always, we’re very proud of all of our members at every level. A huge congratulations to the members featured today.

Brenna Bailey Author head shot

Brenna Bailey, Author

Author Member

Brenna Bailey writes queer contemporary romance. You can find out more about her on her website.


I published my debut novel, and I beat my first-month income goal with just the pre-orders!

Why are you Proud?

I never imagined that my debut novel would have so much support. My hard work of creating the book and marketing the pre-order paid off!

What Have You Learned?

I learned that I know more than I think I know, and I am capable of doing this author thing. My success solidified that writing is the right career for me.

Helen Hollick, Author headshot

Helen Hollick, Author

Author Member

Helen Hollick is a UK writer of historical fiction and cozy mysteries. Find her on her website.


In 2023 I celebrate 30 years of being a published author. I was accepted by William Heinemann (Random House) for the publication of my Arthurian Pendragon’s Banner Trilogy in April 1993 – one week after my 40th birthday – so April will also be my milestone 70th birthday! I’m celebrating by self-publishing new, beautiful editions of the trilogy in the UK.

Why are you Proud?

Since first being accepted for publication in 1993 a lot of water has passed under many bridges. I am a hybrid author now – going Indie back in 2006 was a steep learning curve, I discovered what NOT to do very quickly! But here I am, in 2023, still writing and loving every moment (well, perhaps not proof reading…)

What Have You Learned?

Use a professional cover designer and a good editor. Do not expect huge sales and most important of all, write what you enjoy writing.

Lois Hoffman headshot

Lois Hoffman, Author

Authorpreneur Member

Lois Hoffman is the founder of The Happy Self-Publisher and a nonfiction author. Find them on Facebook.


After publishing four books for adults, I published my first picture book.

Why are you Proud?

After working on this book for two years, it sat on my computer for ten more wondering if it would be “worth it.” When my coach asked what would I do if I only had six months to live, I knew that I need to bring Oscar to life. I wouldn’t let him die inside me, regardless of the cost. 

What Have You Learned?

It feels courageous to cast away doubt and follow your dreams. The cost of not doing so is too high.


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