If I Could Paint

If I could paint a picture

of everything I see

to capture light, shade, and colour

of the earth, sky and sea


Imagine all the canvas

that I would need to use

to even showcase every flower,

Oh, the colours I could choose


This portrait could contain,

almost every single image

I see, hear, smell, touch, and explain,

my thought processes, no mirage


A kaleidoscope like experience

set down in charcoal and paints,

mirroring multi coloured changing

patterns, which reflect life in shades


But I could also paint a picture of

war, hatred, crime, evil, and sadness

Desperation in strife torn places

across this mortal coil, it’s madness


Yes If I could paint a picture

I would want it to speak the truth

Show life as I see it for real

For better or for worse


If I could paint

If only I could paint

a picture for everyone to see

Oh if I could paint a picture

What would it really be?







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