How To Avoid Getting Overwhelmed When Self-Publishing ǀ Self-Publishing Relief

How To Avoid Getting Overwhelmed When Self-Publishing ǀ Self-Publishing Relief

Here’s one of the best things about self-publishing: You get to make all the decisions about your book! And here’s one of the most difficult things about self-publishing: You have to make all the decisions about your book! From formatting to proofreading to cover design and more, navigating every twist and turn of the self-publishing process on your own can be tricky and daunting. Before you’re completely buried by an avalanche of tasks, check out these tips from the experts at Self-Publishing Relief on how to avoid getting overwhelmed.


Avoid Getting Overwhelmed When Self-Publishing

When self-publishing a book, the best way to protect yourself from becoming overwhelmed is to outline a plan before you even begin. Determine which self-publishing platform you want to use and read up on how it moves through the process. Research other writers’ self-publishing experiences for insights, and if you know an author who has self-published, ask for some pointers!

Use a checklist. A great way to keep yourself organized is to follow a self-publishing checklist. You can also refer to the many informative articles on the Self-Publishing Relief blog. Here are just a few:

How To Ace Self-Publishing Your First Book

What You Must Know Before Self-Publishing

6 Great Self-Publishing Podcasts You Should Listen To

15 Weird Words Self-Published Authors Should Know

Create a timeline. Next, you should estimate how long it might take to complete your self-publishing journey. Building a timeline for your project allows you to visualize the complete process and start planning for each step.


Choose tasks to outsource. Once you have your checklist and timeline squared away, you’ll be able to see if you should outsource some of the self-publishing tasks. Self-publishing is a big project, and it’s okay to get help—in fact, we encourage it! Outsourcing some of the necessary tasks to experts will help prevent burnout and embarrassing mistakes. You’ll still have the final say about your self-published book, but without the stress and aggravation that would come from trying to do everything yourself. Book trailers, cover design, formatting, and even proofreading will all benefit from being handled by professionals.

Stay organized. With so many moving parts and steps to keep track of, it’s important to be meticulously organized. As you’re creating files, making new accounts, purchasing ISBNs, and more, losing track of any one task will throw off your timeline and can affect every other stage of the self-publishing process.

Take a deep breath. If you’re starting to feel really overwhelmed, step away and take a short break from your self-publishing project. Taking a ten-minute walk outside is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to help yourself de-stress. Or try some exercise: Yoga, aerobics, bike riding, and other physical activity will reduce your levels of stress hormones and release endorphins. You can also spend a few minutes a day meditating to relax and re-center.

Turn to the experts. A great way to prevent yourself from becoming overwhelmed while self-publishing is to hire industry pros. At Self-Publishing Relief, our experts will help guide you through every step of the self-publishing process, from manuscript to a published book you’ll be proud to put your name on. We can even help with just the proofing or formatting! Schedule your free consultation call to learn more!

Self-publishing your book may seem daunting at first, but with a checklist, timeline, outsourcing, staying organized, scheduling some downtime, and even putting your project into expert hands, you’ll be sure to ace the process! And before you know it: Congratulations—you’re a published author!


Question: Which part of the self-publishing process do you find most overwhelming?



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