Great Weather For Media Calls For Submissions/ How To Submit (Pay: $10)

Great Weather For Media seeks poetry, flash fiction, short stories, dramatic monologues, and creative nonfiction for their annual print anthology. 

They do not have a set theme for their anthologies but you are expected to focus on the fearless, the unpredictable, and experimental.


Submission Guidelines For Great Weather For Media

  • They highly recommend that you read one of their previous collections to see the type of work they are interested in and the design of their books.
  • They accept poetry and short fiction under 2,500 words. Flash fiction, creative non-fiction and hybrid are also accepted. Just surprise them with your fearless best.
  • They do not consider previously published work, whether print or online. This includes limited edition chapbooks and personal blogs.
  • If your work appears in their most recent anthology, please wait a year before submitting again in any genre.
  • Please submit only once in each genre (poetry / prose) and do not submit again until you have received a response.
  • Submit one to four poems of any length. If you are submitting more than one poem, include them all in a single document.
  • Do not submit multiple poems in separate files. Single-spaced please, or how it should appear on the printed page. Start each poem on a new page.
  • You can submit one prose or creative nonfiction piece, two if both under 500 words.
  • Maximum word count is 2,500. Please include the word count on the first page.
  • Please note that they do not accept unsolicited solo collection manuscripts
  • Simultaneous submissions are allowed but you will have to notify them immediately your work gets accepted somewhere else.
  • If you wish to withdraw individual pieces from consideration, click on the title of your submission, click on Active, and add a note listing the title(s) to be withdrawn. If you need to withdraw your entire submission, please use the Withdraw button.
  • Please do not send revisions. 
  • If you do not heard from them after five months, please email [email protected]
  • All submissions should be made through Submittable. Anthology submissions are only reviewed through Submittable. Email submissions will not be read.


Author Rights

  • Great Weather For Media holds first serial rights for material that they publish. The copyright automatically reverts to the author upon publication.
  • All work may be permanently archived online.
  • They ask that Great Weather For Media be acknowledged in any subsequent publication of the work.


Eligibility Criteria

  • There is no reading fee.
  • They welcome work from writers worldwide. Their focus is on the innovative and unexpected


Do They Pay Contributors?

For writers based in USA, they give one contributor copy plus $10.
International writers receive one copy.



The deadline for submissions is on January 15, 2024 at 11:59pm PST.



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