Give Thanks to the Lord, for He Is Good; His Love Endures Forever!

Today while I was sitting down to start reading my daily devotions, I realized there was something important I was supposed to do yesterday that completely slipped my mind. I was scheduled to do something, and I forgot all about it! Usually, I put things on my calendar so I will remember them, but for some reason, I didn’t do that with this thing. After I realized my error, I frantically sent an e-mail to see if I could reschedule, and then I went back to my devotions.

However, I found it incredibly difficult to focus while I read. Even though I prayed, my mind kept drifting back to my mistake. In one devotional, I first read that we must be careful not to beat ourselves up over our failures. Although I read through the devotional and into the Word, I still needed help focusing. Even though I was reading verse after verse that told me everything would be okay, I was still beating myself up for my mistake.

Then, I got to 1 Chronicles 16:34.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

1 Chronicles 16:34 (NIV)

After reading that, I read Psalm 106:1, which told me the same thing. While I continued reading, I kept giving thanks but didn’t feel any better. My stomach was in knots. Yet, I gave thanks. Finally, I finished reading, knowing I would write about giving thanks to the Lord. However, before I started writing, I checked my e-mail. In my e-mail was a response telling me I could reschedule that thing I missed anytime. What a relief!

And, as I started to write today, another verse, like 1 Chronicles 16:34, came to mind.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

Despite my panic this morning, I’m thankful that I continued to give God thanks. While my mind was assailed with fear and doubt, the Lord helped me to remember that my mistake wasn’t a surprise to him. In fact, God ordained that I would make that mistake which is why he had me reading the devotional I was reading today about not beating myself up when I fail.

I want to encourage you today, as I am being encouraged, that it’s okay to make mistakes. That we are, in fact, not perfect and will never be perfect until we have reached perfection in Christ, and that won’t come until our time on earth is over. Praise the Lord! As for me, I’ve rescheduled that appointment and put it on my calendar.

Do you know God? God knows you, and he loves you. He sees you as significant because you are. No one is insignificant to Him. He’s with you today, and he wants you to know him. Jesus died for your sins and mine so we could be free of guilt, freed from death, and live eternally with him. Eternal salvation is just a prayer away.

Pray this prayer with me to accept the gift of salvation:

Lord Jesus, forgive me for all my sins. I sincerely repent from my ways. Wash me in your blood and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I believe you died on the cross and were buried, and God the Father raised you from the dead on the third day. Right now, Lord Jesus, I open the door to my heart and receive you into my heart as my Lord and personal Savior. Amen.

If you prayed that prayer, then congratulations! You are on the first step of a brand new life. Allow me to be the first to welcome you to my family, the family of God. There are abundant resources available online for new Christians. You can visit here for more information on what to do next. You can also leave me a comment, and I’ll do my best to help you on the next step of this incredible journey.


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