From Civil to Eternal Beings

I live in the present,
hoping to last
until tomorrow.

But If not me,
my children,
I plead let them be.

And if not on earth,
in Heaven,
That’s where I’d like to be.

So how do we make it
from here, to the future;
is there a guarantee?

Are there guardian angels
watching over
you and me?

Or did our God stop
performing miracles
at the beginning of day?

It’s not,
that I’m ungrateful,
to our Creator, for life.

It’s that,
I believe He gave us each other
to help us survive.

By: ElRoyPoet © 2023

Why the Lack of Religion Breeds Mental Illness

Face Your Dark Side

“Somehow, I am blindly convinced that there is no such villain or scoundrel among the Russian people who wouldn’t admit that he is villainous and abominable, whereas, among others, it does happen sometimes that a person commits a villainy and praises himself for it, elevating his villainy to the level of a principle, and claiming that l’ordre and the light of civilization are precisely expressed in that abomination; the unfortunate one ends by believing this sincerely, blindly and honestly.” Excerpt from Dostoyevsky on Why There Are No Bad People

Commentary: You can’t claim temporary insanity or road rage. If you have the genetic capability to let common sense go and do atrocious things that give you pleasure, you can’t claim that you are no longer able to apply the breaks because the governor in your brain is not willing. All it means, is that you’re willing to forfeit your life and the lives of others just so that you can experience that high, buzz or adrenaline rush, whatever, right now.

“In every encounter, we either give life or we drain it; there is no neutral exchange.” By: Brennan Manning

“The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed.” By: Mahatma Gandhi

“The devil will remind you over and over again, of your past. Because he knows, that the day you stop feeling sorry for yourself, he has no future with you. Holding on to old grudges will not remove the pain in your brain. Only Jesus can change your life, if you allow him into your heart.” By: ElRoyPoet

Finding Your Purpose in Life: Does Faith Matter?


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