Chalk and Cheese

Not for you to tell us how to live

I care nothing for your faux wisdom

Such wise words fed to you on a silver spoon


To have walked in my shoes

Would be an insult for you

Were you crying tears

Or living in the wonder years?


As you were dressed in arrogance

Many were left in rags

And now you demand

That we live under your golden rules


I care nothing for them

They may as well come

From another universe

Chalk and cheese

Comes to mind


If you were to speak in foreign tongues

Your words would hold more clarity

But as it is

They reveal only your insanity


I feel for you

I really do

You truly believe that you

Are the chosen one


You can wrap yourself in gold

Lock yourself behind iron gates

Divide and rule

To protect what’s yours

But death will bring you down


You cannot buy immortality

Your grave will be as cold as mine

Just remember that Jesus

Was betrayed for thirty pieces

Of silver


He has no interest in your wealth

It touches not his heart

You answer only to your own conscience 

As this earth you do depart.





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