A Soul's Journey

It’s okay to be mentally ill.

It’s okay to be addicted.

Your soul is on a journey.

I love you unconditionally.

When I pass you on your path,

when you enter my space, 

I see nothing but a beautiful soul growing and learning at your own pace.

When you agitate, aggravate, stir up the waters of my tranquility,

I breathe deep and slip away into the soft dreamscape of my interior peace.

I worry not about your well-being because I know, deep down into my bones, 

that you are, in your essence,

a child of light,

loved, protected, cherished,

as are we all. 

It’s okay to be mentally ill.

It’s okay to be addicted.

It’s part of the journey,

and, in the vast expanse of timelessness,

all roads lead to heaven.


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