8 Key Social Media Marketing Tips for Writers to Elevate Online Presence

Why social media marketing for writers? In today’s digital age, social media has emerged as an invaluable tool writers can use to expand their reach, connect with readers, and promote their content. Harnessing the power of social platforms effectively can also significantly impact your success as a content creator, especially if you are trying to promote awareness of your blog or website in order to sell your books and/or services.

In the past, I have talked about how to write an engaging and informative blog post, as well as touched on some ways you can promote your blog for free, including utilizing the power of social media. Here I go a little deeper into basic social media marketing for writers and share tips tailored to help you enhance your online presence as a writer.

1.   Understand Your Audience

The cornerstone of any successful social media strategy is understanding your audience. As a writer, knowing your readers’ demographics, interests, and preferences helps you make sure the right people are seeing your work. Pay attention to how your posts perform on different platforms and who engages with your posts. Utilize analytics tools on social media and on your website to gather insights into your audience’s behavior, such as to see when your readers are most active, so that you can, for example, adjust your posting schedule to meet your readers’ preferences.

2.   Use the Right Platforms

Not all social media platforms are created equal so, although you may start out on all major social media channels, judging which platforms are right for you over time is key to avoiding spreading yourself too thin. Focus on using social media platforms that align with the types of posts you share and reach your intended audience. For instance, visual content may thrive on Instagram and Pinterest, while longer articles might reach more people on Facebook or X (formerly Twitter). Concentrate your efforts on platforms where your audience is most active.

3.   Craft Compelling Content

Creating engaging and valuable content is the cornerstone of social media success because, without strong content, you have nothing valuable to share on social media. Share snippets of your blog posts, images, videos, or tips related to your writing journey in your social media posts and utilize different content types and social media features, such as links, stories, images, and interesting captions, to keep your content diverse while maintaining consistency in your messaging and tone.

4.   Consistent Posting Schedule

Consistency is key to social media marketing. Develop a posting schedule and stick to it. You don’t have to start with a crazy schedule. Perhaps committing to posting once a week feels like a good place to start if you are just starting out or, if you are not starting from scratch, posting more regularly, and committing to sharing a story a day on Instagram, for example, might feel right for you.

I currently remain the most active on Instagram and try to share a post once a week, as well as stories throughout the week as I feel so called. The key for me is posting regularly enough that I still enjoy it without feeling overwhelmed.

Ultimately, regularly sharing content reinforces your online presence. Again, building off what you know about your audience through what you notice and what analytics tell you, experiment with posting times to determine when your audience is most active and responsive.

5.   Utilize Hashtags

Hashtags are a powerful tool you can use to increase your content’s visibility and reach a broader audience. Hashtags are also especially useful for reaching people who don’t know about you and can amplify your content’s discoverability and facilitate engagement with a wider community of readers and writers.

Research relevant and trending hashtags in your niche and incorporate them into your posts. A general rule of thumb is between seven and ten relevant hashtags per post is a good place to start although I admittedly struggle to follow this rule and inevitably add more.

6.   Engage with Your Audience

People come to social media because they want to connect and engage with likeminded people in a more immediate way than commenting on a blog allows. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and mentions as soon as you can. Participate in conversations, ask questions, and encourage feedback. Building rapport with your audience strengthens their connection to you and encourages them to actively participate in discussions around your content.

7.   Collaborate with Fellow Creators

Collaboration with other bloggers, writers, or influencers can exponentially expand your reach, especially if you partner with like-minded individuals in your niche for cross-promotions, guest blog posts, joint events, or collaborative projects. Relevant partnerships can introduce your work to new audiences and foster mutually beneficial relationships, especially if you approach partnerships with a collaboration over competition mindset.

8.   Analyze and Adjust

Social media marketing for writers

Regularly analyze your social media performance using the analytics tools provided by most social media platforms or use a third-party tool if you find that works better for you. Look at key metrics such as engagement rates, audience growth, and content reach. Based on these insights, adapt your strategy by tweaking content, posting times, or focusing more on the content types that resonate best with your audience.

However, at the end of the day, remember to do what feels right to you and don’t be too hard on yourself if you are not maintaining the posting schedule you set out to maintain or if you are not seeing the results you hoped to. Trying and learning are what count.


While social media has its many downfalls, when used correctly, it can be a positive tool for building community. Hopefully keeping these social media marketing for writers tips in mind will help you build a stronger community, meet interested readers, and form lasting connections with like-minded people.

Embracing basic social media marketing strategies is crucial for writers and bloggers seeking to expand their online presence and engage with their audience effectively. By understanding your audience, choosing the right platforms, creating compelling content, maintaining consistency, leveraging hashtags, engaging with your audience, collaborating with others, and learning as you go, you can significantly enhance your visibility and impact as a content creator in the digital sphere.

How do you use social media as a marketing tool? Do you have any marketing tips to share? Tell me below!


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