7 Self-Publishing Events You Shouldn’t Miss | Self-Publishing Relief

7 Self-Publishing Events You Shouldn’t Miss | Self-Publishing Relief

Before self-publishing a book, it’s important to carefully research and gather information so that you know what to expect and how to make the best choices. At Self-Publishing Relief, we know one of the best ways to learn more about self-publishing is to attend an online or in-person event. These conferences will help you connect with other writers and industry experts who have gone through the process and can offer you the best tips and insider advice. Here are 7 self-publishing events you shouldn’t miss!


Self-Publishing Events You Won’t Want To Miss

SelfPubCon: This online self-publishing advice conference boasts twenty-four straight hours of self-publishing panels and conversations, all recorded and made available to the public for free in the forty-eight hours following the conference. (After that, you’ll need to purchase a pass to view old content.)

IBPA Publishing University: With the tagline “The premiere educational event for independent book publishers,” this California-based conference is great for authors who want to learn more about the business side of publishing, especially through an indie lens.

Indie Romance Convention: If you self-publish (or are thinking about self-publishing) romance novels, this is the convention for you! With three full days of workshops and panels, this conference covers everything from craft and style to marketing and the publishing industry as a whole.

20 Books Vegas: Billed as “the biggest show in the world focused on self-publishing,” this conference is one you won’t want to miss. The event starts with a huge vendor meet and greet, then a day full of panels, then a signing event where authors can meet their fans (and find new ones)!


Atlanta Self-Publishing Conference: Created specifically for self-published authors and independent publishers, this conference is great for anyone who wants to learn more about how to grow their reach without a traditional publisher.

Jericho Writers Self-Publishing Month: While this is not so much a conference as it is a month-long event, it does boast tons of content designed to help authors navigate the world of self-publishing.

West Coast Writers Conferences Digital Author & Indie Publishing Writers Conference: This annual event markets itself as “ideal for every author who wants to take advantage of the Golden Age of Publishing.” The conference is intended to help authors “learn how to write and sell in the brave new world of e-books, audio books, DIY, and indie publishing.”

Attending a self-publishing conference, workshop, or event offers you a great opportunity to compare notes with other authors and rub elbows with industry professionals. But even with all that input, the self-publishing process can still seem daunting—and even a bit scary. The experts at Self-Publishing Relief can take all of that stress off your hands with no hard sell, ever. We’ll help you navigate the process from manuscript to a finished book you can be proud to put your name on! Schedule your free consultation call today.


Question: Which self-publishing events or conferences have you attended?




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