15 Idioms About Time

From The Grammarly Blog:

Every language has a unique collection of expressions that are easily understood by fluent speakers but may be hard for those less familiar with the language to parse. These sayings, known as idioms, contain meanings that are not wholly obvious by defining the words individually.

For instance, if you’re absorbed in a book or deep in conversation, and you glance at your watch and realize it’s much later than you thought, you might exclaim, “Time flies!” Of course, time didn’t sprout wings and fly away, but it might feel like it did because it passed so quickly. It’s figurative, it’s visual, and it’s evocative—and it’s probably strange-sounding to those learning the language!

Idioms cover a range of common concepts, such as the workplace, weather, and money. And like the one above, there are also many idioms that express concepts of time.

As we dive into this topic, we’ll define what an idiom is and why idioms can be challenging for language learners. We’ll also list some examples of idioms about time.

What is an idiom about time?

An idiom is a common saying that has meaning in its own culture or language but doesn’t make much sense when broken down into its individual components. Idioms about time can be used in many scenarios, such as to describe the passage of time (“time stands still for no one”), to reference a particular point in time (“at the eleventh hour”), or to describe regular occurrences (“like clockwork”).

It’s not surprising that many of the most popular idioms about time describe time passing too quickly, but ultimately, idioms about time are creative sayings that discuss specific moments or occasions figuratively.

Now that you know all about idioms, it’s high time to divulge some of the most popular idioms about time. Whatever time-related message you’re trying to get across, these idioms will help you make it fun.

1 Beat the clock

Meaning: To succeed in something before running out of time.

Example: In a desperate attempt to beat the clock, I raced to the post office to mail my college application before the final deadline.

2 Turn back the hands of time

Meaning: To recount, re-create, or return to the past.

Example: If I could turn back the hands of time, I would make sure to put on sunscreen before going outside every day.

3 Once in a blue moon

Meaning: Something that happens rarely.

Example: Because of the tight budget, our manager buys donuts for the office once in a blue moon.

4 Kill time

Meaning: To engage in a rather aimless or idle activity with the goal of making time pass more quickly.

Example: After my flight was delayed an extra hour, I managed to kill time in the airport by perusing the duty-free shops.

5 A stitch in time saves nine

Meaning: Complete a task properly and thoroughly the first time to avoid a bigger problem later.

Example: If I were you, I’d put an extra screw in that wood to make it more secure because a stitch in time saves nine.

6 Time is on my side

Meaning: To have the luxury of not having to worry about how long something will take.

Example: We don’t have to make the final decision until next week, so time is on our side.

7 Better late than never

Meaning: Doing something late is better than not doing it at all.

Example: Misha didn’t arrive until halftime—better late than never!

8 In the nick of time

Meaning: Getting something done just before the deadline; completing a task with no time to spare.

Example: I stayed up all night, but I was able to finish my history class essay in the nick of time.

9 Crack of dawn

Meaning: Early in the morning.

Example: Kyle is always up at the crack of dawn; Amanda is more of a night owl and likes to sleep in.

Link to the rest at The Grammarly Blog


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