What Should Your Law Firm Post On Social Media?

apps-g1614e08be_1920Like other businesses, your law firm should use social media to its advantage. Social media is a great tool that you can use as part of your comprehensive digital marketing strategy. If you were to ask your clients how they search for a lawyer, a search engine or social media would be their primary avenues. Learn more about the content you should post on your law firm’s social media accounts in order to attract potential clients.

How Social Media Can Help Law Firms
Just like other businesses, social media can help your law firm in the following ways:

  • Boosting your online presence. Your law firm’s social media platforms can help increase your website’s rankings in search engines. You can use the keywords your clients will search for in your social media posts and direct more traffic to your website.
  • Build stronger connections with your clients. Think of your social media platforms as another bridge leading you to potential clients. You can use your social media posts to establish trust with your clients and answer their questions about your practice area.
  • Get to know your clients on a deeper level. Social media is a great way for you to find out what your clients are thinking. Even though you can post general information about the law, you can also use your posts to encourage your clients to engage with you.
  • Market your law firm in a cost-effective way. Posting on social media does not cost anything if you do it yourself, except time.

Concerns With Social Media
Even though there are so many benefits that social media can bring to your law firm, some lawyers are still concerned about using it. The main reason is because of the confidential nature of their cases. Lawyers do not want to compromise their clients’ cases by sharing information that should not be posted on social media. It is important to always ensure client confidentiality and also make sure that you do not violate any ethics standards of your Bar Association.

Types of Social Media Posts For Law Firms
Here are some of the types of social media posts that your law firm can use:

  • Educational posts. Your law firm’s posts can help educate your clients about the legal process.
  • Visual content. In addition to educational posts, you can share visual aids such as infographics or videos for your clients to enjoy. The majority of clients prefer visual content over written content.
  • Links to your website’s blog posts. You can include posts that promote the content on your law firm’s website. This can help to bring organic traffic to your website. With these posts, you can include common hashtags to help expand your reach.
  • Updates with legislation. You can post new updates about laws that your clients may not even know about. These posts can explain the updates and how they will affect a new form of legislation moving forward.
  • Humor and memes. Another type of visual content you can post are memes related to law. Everyone loves to look at memes; they are a great way to laugh at yourself and relate to your potential clients. Make sure that you create your own memes, as you may violate intellectual property rights of others if you take their content to put on your social media.
  • Client testimonials and past successful cases. You can also use your social media posts to promote the success of your law firm. You can include testimonials of past clients. You can also share the results of past settlements or verdicts with your clients. It is important, however, to never violate any attorney client privilege.

Tips For a Great Social Media Strategy
Here are some tips that you can use when making your social media posts:

Cater Your Posts to Your Clients
Catering your posts to your clients is a great way to ensure that your social media remains professional. Your posts can be centered around informing your clients of legal information that would help them. If your clients are unfamiliar with the legal process, you can post content explaining the process to them.

Post Relevant Information
You also want to post information that your clients will find relevant. On your social media platforms, you can post relevant information about your practice areas and recent legislation and how your law firm can help. It is important to remember that you are guaranteed to reach a larger audience if you include the right hashtags and keywords.

Follow The Social Media Platform’s Policies
Regardless of your social media platform, each platform has a specific set of policies. Make sure that your social media posts do not violate those policies and potentially terminate your account. Make sure you know the platform’s rules and follow them accordingly.

Digital Marketing Next Steps
Your social media strategy should involve posting graphics and content that are correctly branded and provide potential clients with memorable information to keep your law firm top of mind. Make sure that your law firm social media content has a consistent voice that provides value and showcases your authority, expertise, and trustworthiness.

Annette Choti, Esq. graduated from law school 20 years ago, and is the Founder of Law Quill, a legal digital marketing agency focused on small and solo law firms. Annette wrote the bestselling book Click Magnet: The Ultimate Digital Marketing Guide For Law Firms, and hosts the podcast Legal Marketing Lounge. She is a sought-after keynote and CLE speaker throughout the United States and Canada. Annette used to do theatre and professional comedy, which is not so different from the legal field if we are all being honest. Annette can be found on LinkedIn or at at annette@lawquill.com.


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