Trump vs. Brands: 18 Compainies Donald Trump Tried to Cancel and Why

Public figures often have the power to influence popular opinion, and former U.S. President Donald Trump is no exception. His commentary on various brands—whether via social media or in interviews—has the potential to impact consumer sentiment and sales significantly. While not all of his criticisms have led to boycotts or drops in stock prices, they’ve certainly made headlines. This article explores 18 brands that have found themselves under the scrutiny of Donald Trump.  


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Coca-Cola faced criticism from Donald Trump in response to their stance on voting rights issues in Georgia. The beverage giant publicly opposed Georgia’s new voting laws, leading Trump to call for a boycott of its products. Whether or not the boycott had any lasting impact is debatable, but it undoubtedly thrust Coca-Cola into a political spotlight they might have preferred to avoid.  


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Nike’s sportswear brand caught Donald Trump’s ire when they featured Colin Kaepernick in their ad campaign. Trump, a vocal critic of Kaepernick’s kneeling protests during the national anthem, expressed his displeasure publicly. While his comments ignited debates, Nike’s sales didn’t seem to suffer; in fact, they experienced a surge following the controversial campaign.  


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  Goodyear became another brand targeted by Donald Trump after an employee leaked an internal diversity training slide that discouraged political attire, including “MAGA” attire, at work. Trump promptly called for a boycott of Goodyear tires, although it’s unclear whether the call significantly affected the company’s sales or public perception.  


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Tech giant Apple also found itself on Trump’s radar due to the company’s refusal to unlock the iPhone of a terrorist involved in a shooting. Trump criticized Apple’s stance, citing national security concerns, and suggested that people should boycott the brand. However, the controversy did not appear to have a lasting impact on Apple’s market value.  


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  When Oreo’s parent company, Mondelez International, decided to move some of its production facilities from Chicago to Mexico, Trump announced a personal boycott of Oreo cookies. His stance was a component of his criticism of companies that outsource American jobs. While his declaration made headlines, no evidence suggests it adversely affected Oreo’s sales. 


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Perhaps one of the most notable brands Trump has tried to “cancel” is Twitter. After the platform permanently suspended his account due to “risk of further incitement of violence,” Trump accused the social media giant of curtailing freedom of speech. The ban ignited debates about tech companies’ role in public discourse but did not significantly drop Twitter’s user base.  


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Motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson faced Trump’s wrath when they announced plans to shift some production overseas in response to European tariffs. Trump expressed his disappointment on social media, even endorsing boycotting the American brand. Despite the vocal criticism, Harley-Davidson’s business appeared to remain relatively stable.  


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E-commerce behemoth Amazon has been a frequent target of Trump’s criticism, mainly due to its founder, Jeff Bezos, who also owns The Washington Post, a publication often critical of Trump. The former President has questioned Amazon’s tax practices and its relationship with the U.S. Postal Service. While these comments have made headlines, Amazon continues thriving as a dominant online retail force.  


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Media outlet CNN has long been a target of Trump’s disdain, often labeled by him as “fake news.” His criticism intensified during his presidency, leading to concerns about the freedom of the press. While Trump’s remarks have polarized public opinion about CNN, the network’s viewership and credibility among its core audience seem consistent.  


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The social media giant Facebook faced criticism from Donald Trump following the suspension of his account in the wake of the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot. Trump decried the move as an infringement on free speech and an act of political bias. While the ban sparked international debates about online free speech and the power of tech giants, Facebook’s user engagement and revenue appear primarily unaffected.  


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The popular coffee chain Starbucks has also been on Donald Trump’s radar. Back in 2015, Trump suggested boycotting Starbucks due to the company’s holiday cups, which he felt were an example of the “War on Christmas” because they did not feature explicitly Christmas-related symbols. While the comments did lead to some social media chatter, Starbucks’ sales and brand image seemed largely unaffected.  


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HBO found itself the subject of Trump’s ire when he disapproved of using “Game of Thrones”-styled imagery for political memes. The network issued a statement saying it didn’t approve of using its intellectual property for political purposes, but Trump continued to employ the theme. The public viewed the disagreement as a minor skirmish, and HBO’s reputation remained intact.  


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Retailer Nordstrom caught Trump’s attention when it decided to stop carrying Ivanka Trump’s fashion line, citing poor sales. Trump took to Twitter to defend his daughter and criticize the company, suggesting people boycott Nordstrom. While the tweet led to a brief dip in Nordstrom’s stock, the company quickly recovered, and there were no long-term negative impacts on sales.  


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AT&T came under Trump’s scrutiny for its proposed acquisition of Time Warner, the parent company of CNN, a network he frequently criticized. Trump voiced his disapproval of the merger, stating that it would concentrate too much power in the hands of too few. Despite the vocal criticisms, the merger eventually went through, and AT&T remained a telecommunications powerhouse. 


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The National Football League (NFL) faced criticisms from Donald Trump for allowing players to kneel during the national anthem in protest against racial inequality. Trump called for a boycott of the league and urged team owners to fire players who participated in the protests. While his comments sparked a divisive national conversation, they did not substantially decrease the league’s viewership or sponsorship deals.  


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Macy’s, the American department store, found itself targeted by Trump after it decided to discontinue his clothing line due to his controversial comments on Mexican immigrants. Trump called for a boycott of the store, claiming that his line was being discontinued unjustly. Like many other brands that Trump targeted, Macy’s continued to operate without any notable long-term impact on its sales.  


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Chinese-owned social media app TikTok was threatened with a ban by Trump over national security concerns. While he ordered American firms to cease doing business with the app’s parent company, ByteDance, the platform remained widely used among American users, and the proposed ban never fully materialized. TikTok continues to enjoy immense popularity, especially among younger audiences.  

General Motors

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Automaker General Motors (GM) faced Trump’s disapproval when the company announced plans to close plants in the United States and shift some production overseas. Trump expressed his disappointment publicly and even threatened to cut all government subsidies to GM. The automaker did not reverse its decision, but the episode did ignite conversations about American manufacturing and jobs.

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