Registration for Mastering Motivation for Intuitive Writers Is Now Open!

Registration for my new spring class, Mastering Motivation for Intuitive Writers, is now open! This is an intense four-week program focusing on:

Writing goals
Committing to a writing practice
Consistency with creativity

We’ll be meeting via Zoom for live classes, Directed Writing Sessions, and group sharing all throughout the month of April and concentrating specifically on moving past procrastination and perfectionism.

Class members will also be asked to keep a progress journal and, at the end of the class, build their own writing plan they can use to keep moving forward.

Registration and all details can be found here:

Mastering Motivation for Intuitive Writers

I hope I see you there!

Lauren Sapala is the author of The INFJ WriterThe INFJ Revolution, and the creator of Understanding Yourself as an INFJ Writer, an online video course for INFJ writers who struggle with traditional writing methods. You can get a free copy of her book on creative marketing for writers by signing up for her newsletter HERE.


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