Michelle Bender, Realtor, Northwest Real Estate Group – Chicago Agent magazine

Read Today’s Top Story: Chicago’s luxury home market continues to surge
by Chicago Agent
Number of years in real estate:
Describe your look:
Professional clothing that is polished but adds the layer of comfort that we’ve become used to after living in a global pandemic for two years.
What do you consider a “fashion don’t?”
I would have to say stripes.
What style has come back into fashion that shouldn’t have?
Baggy jeans.
What item of clothing gets you the most compliments?
Jeans or a dress.
What is a fashion crime you have committed in the past?
Wearing metallic.
Where are your favorite clothing stores or brands?
Nordstrom, J. Crew, Lululemon.
Who is your style icon?
Audrey Hepburn.
What decade or time had the best fashion in your opinion?
Although I wasn’t alive then I would say the ’70s.
What’s the most expensive or meaningful accessory or piece of clothing you’ve ever acquired? Do you still have it?
Probably my wedding dress. Yes, I still have it.
What item in your closet do you wear the most?
You can’t go wrong with a black dress.
What is your style advice for other people in the industry?
An agent should be comfortable, yet ready to interact with clients while remaining professional. Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.
Shoes – MIA. Dress – Socialite.

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