Kim Kardashian Shares A Valuable Lesson Learned From Failing The Baby Bar Exam

(Photo by Mike Cohen/Getty Images for The New York Times)

For several years now, Above the Law has been tracking Kim Kardashian’s journey to becoming a lawyer through an apprenticeship. Since 2019, the reality TV star turned beauty and clothing entrepreneur has offered us glimpses into her life as a law student through her social media feeds, and with each study session, current law students and practicing lawyers couldn’t help but grow a little closer to her.

But perhaps the thing that humanized Kardashian the most to members of the legal profession was her repeated failures on the baby bar exam. Kardashian failed the test three times before she finally succeeded, and during this bar prep season, she’s here to remind us all of the importance of family during these particularly trying times.

During an interview with Vogue Italia for the magazine’s July cover story, Kardashian detailed the moment she passed the baby bar exam, and how it helped her relate to her daughter, North. The Daily Mail has the scoop:

‘For a long time it was difficult for her to understand why I was studying all the time. She saw me fail and cry. She saw how I was no different than her when she was worried because of a test,’ the superstar said.

She added, ‘But when she saw me cry from joy, I knew she understood how important that achievement was to me personally.’

Right now, during your days of intense studying, it may feel like your family and your friends outside of the law aren’t able to understand what you’re going through. After taking the bar exam and waiting for results, these feelings of no one being able to relate to your suffering may become even more unbearable. But please don’t turn your back on your family and friends — they want to support you and be able to share in your joy when you pass, and they want to offer you a shoulder to cry on if things don’t turn out the way you’re hoping they will.

Best of luck on the upcoming bar exam, everyone. You can do it!

Kim Kardashian reveals baby bar test failure helped strengthen bond with daughter North [Daily Mail]

Staci ZaretskyStaci Zaretsky is a senior editor at Above the Law, where she’s worked since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.


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