Just Ask

Sometimes you just have to ask.

Conferences charge admission fees. Did you know that you can ask the conference leader if there are scholarships, fellowships, or co-op opportunities to have part or all fees covered? Sometimes they are income-related and other times you have to volunteer and work for the conference in exchange. They often do not advertise these opportunities. Just ask.

Libraries rarely pay authors to come speak. Did you know that libraries have budgets of their own, and each library usually has a Friends of the Library affiliated with it, with its own budget? They might not be able to pay much, but $50 at least covers your gas. I just made such a plea to one that didn’t compensate. Now they are.

Magazines and newspapers often ask writers to write articles for free. Tout your expertise and experience and show them what you have to offer then explain that you take your writing seriously, as more than a hobby, and ask to be compensated.

Ask for compensation. Be willing to say no. The more you write for free, the more people expect you to write for free. You have to draw a line somewhere.


BIO – C. Hope Clark is author of 16 mysteries, several award-winning, and several nonfiction books. She is also editor and founder of FundsforWriters.com, chosen by Writer’s Digest for its 101 Best Websites for Writers for 20+ years. www.chopeclark.com / www.fundsforwriters.com


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