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Just a friendly reminder to make money, no April Fools jokes today

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Just a friendly reminder to make money, no April Fools jokes today

No April Fools jokes today.

Dropped in to remind you – don’t forget to make money.


There is this phenomenon where people forget to make money.


This is likely from having a lifetime of corporate jobs – tell me what to do, I do it, then the paycheck comes in.

The thing is, when we’re in commission jobs, there’s no one paying our salary.  That’s our job.

The most soul crushing thing about that corporate job is having an ass of a boss breathing down our necks over petty nonsense.  We took this managerial nonsense in exchange for the delegation of bringing in money – that was the boss’s job to pay us.

Now, we’re taking on the task of writing our own paychecks, and we do it happily because no one is looking over our shoulder, pushing us to look busy when we’re not, or telling us where and when we need to sit in a chair.

We get to make those calls.

But we’re also responsible for the cash flow.


This commercial real estate market has created some sticky situations for us!


It’s likely that you are experiencing one of these problems:

#1 Not enough leads.

#2 Leads are not converting. 

#3 Listings are not moving. 


Problem #1 Not enough leads.  You need to live in the top part of your sales funnel.  Lead capture should be your number one goal.

Not sure where to start?  Check out the free course: 5 Fundamental Ways to Get CRE Clients.

You’ll learn about 5 sales channels you can use to get more commercial real estate clients.


Problem #2, Leads are not converting.  This is a special hell where everyone wants to ask your opinion, meet with you, call you, pester you, take up all your time, but they rarely sign a contract.

This can be caused by different factors, but 90% of the time, it can be pinpointed to the lack of clarity in your offer(s).

You will focus on the middle of your funnel – warm leads – and make sure everyone who already knows you is clear on exactly what you offer.

Less questions, more deals.

The more you do, the shorter your one-liner needs to be.

“Better marketing, faster sales.”

“Stop worrying about your real estate portfolio, we handle everything.”

“We fix underperforming real estate portfolios.”

Once you have clarified your message, clear up your website, materials, and start a newsletter with the newest information.


Problem #3, Listings are not moving.  I’ll be honest with you…market conditions are gonna’ do what they’re gonna’ do.  There are ways of improving your odds and getting your listings to turnaround faster.  Focus on maximizing the number of eyes that see your listed properties.

Utilize on all the major commercial real estate listing platforms.

Create a brochure and/or offering memorandum.

Do a mass email blast with a (or many) 3rd party vendor(s).

Send your listing to local news outlets.

Send out a press release to major news outlets.

After you do all of this, your client will 100% know you’re doing all you can, building trust and loyalty.  And you’ll be WAY above and beyond what a dime-a-dozen agent would do.  No idea how to do this stuff?  Listings Hero has everything you need, and it’s easier than you think!


Helping you through the sales funnel process is just another way, I’m taking the “broke” out of commercial real estate brokerage.


~ Brandy

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