It's a Birthday Bash!

 Erica here. Guess what? It’s my birthday!

And guess what?

It’s Mary Connealy’s birthday, too! 

Mary and I are birthday twins! How cool is that? Mary was one of my very first writing friends, and I love her dearly, so imagine my joy when I found out we shared the same birthday!

Did you know we also share our birthday with two other famous people? That’s right. We share a birthday with the incomparable Mr. Fred Rogers…

And Big Bird from Sesame Street. 

How cool is that? Birthday buddies with so many beloved people! I’m blessed!

To celebrate our mutual birthday, we’re serving calorie-free virtual cake. Lemon drizzle with a blueberry buttercream frosting! (Guess who has been watching too much Great British Baking Show?)

We’re also giving away prizes! Two winners will be drawn to receive a print copy of the books below, plus a $5.00 amazon gift card, and FOUR MORE winners will be drawn to receive $5.00 amazon gift cards! A total of SIX WINNERS!

How do you enter? Either or BOTH of two ways. Comment below telling us what famous people you might share your birthday with (not the year, just the month/day) and/or use the rafflecopter link below, follow us on Social Media, and be entered that way!

Here’s the link to the Rafflecopter:

A couple of happy writers on a

freezing cold writer’s retreat in January.

Thanks for helping us celebrate our birthdays! 


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