How Do People Know They’re Sick?

On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.

Matthew 9:12 (NIV)

What an obvious but ironic statement! Still, when people know they are sick, do they go to the doctor? What happens when someone doesn’t realize they’re sick or they don’t go? What does it take to understand, and how can they be healed if they don’t seek medical attention?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about telling people about the Lord. One of my favorite Christian artists is Danny Gokey, who, in his song “Tell Somebody,” proposes this scenario.

If I was dying, and you had a cure
Brother, would you help me?
Sister, would you help me?
Well the world is dying, and there is a Cure
There’s a Hope that’s deep within us
One thing I know for sure
There’s a Hope that’s deep within us
And this I know for sure
That we got to
Tell somebody about Jesus.

Tell Somebody (Danny Gokey)

While I agree with Danny, if someone was dying and I had the cure, I’d help them out. Yet, what if they didn’t know and didn’t believe you when you told them? Which is my point. Danny is a reasonably successful artist. It’s difficult to listen to any Christian radio and not hear at least one song of his. Of course, that could be my experience. Still, Danny’s out there singing his heart out and telling people about Jesus. I’m confident that he’s reaching some people.

Yet what can we do? How do we tell the world about Jesus? That’s not a difficult question to answer. We talk to people within our influence, one person at a time. Again, there’s the issue of being sick and not knowing it. How do we tell people they’re “sick” if they don’t know the Lord?

One thing about healthcare professionals is this. When people know you’re a healthcare professional, they’re more inclined to ask you health questions, just like in many fields where people find experts. They’ll ask you questions if they have a question and think you’re an expert. Yet, when it comes to the care of the soul, how do people know to whom they can turn?

One way to tell people about the Lord is by letting them know what He’s done in our lives. We can tell them what the Lord has done in our lives. Indeed, we can also show people Jesus through how we live. Instead of telling someone, “If you don’t know Jesus, you’re going to die in your sins and go to hell.”

Do you know God? God knows you, and he loves you. He sees you as significant because you are. No one is insignificant to Him. He’s with you today, and he wants you to know him. Jesus died for your sins and mine so we could be free of guilt, freed from death, and live eternally with him. Eternal salvation is just a prayer away.

Pray this prayer with me to accept the gift of salvation:

Lord Jesus, forgive me for all my sins. I repent from my ways. Wash me in your blood and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I believe you died on the cross and were buried, and God the Father raised you from the dead on the third day. Right now, Lord Jesus, I open the door to my heart and receive you into my heart as my Lord and personal Savior. Amen.

If you prayed that prayer, then congratulations! You are on the first step of a brand new life. Allow me to be the first to welcome you to my family, the family of God. There are abundant resources available online for new Christians. You can visit here for more information on what to do next. You can also leave me a comment, and I’ll do my best to help you on the next step of this incredible journey.


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