FWBP Top 100: Ty Williams, Top CEO Realtor – Fort Worth Business Press

Ty Williams knows that it’s the final product that counts most. Getting there, learning from mistakes and growing from them –  it’s all part of coming through with the best of whatever it is you are doing as a daily source of inspiration.
Williams is the owner of RJ Williams & Company Real Estate and he is the FWBP’s Top 100 honoree as Top CEO Realtor.
“Ty is the most noble, caring and just all around best broker ever. He truly cares about all his people, whether you’re in his brokerage or just someone he’s just met,” said Gabriela Aquinaga, a fellow realtor at Williams’ company and a friend who nominated him for Top 100 recognition.
“Ty is one of the most knowledgeable brokers I’ve met,” Aquinaga said. “If ever you have a question about real estate or even if it’s about something else he’ll do his best to get an answer for you. If I call him he will always answer my calls. How many realtors can say their broker answers their call?”

Williams grew up severely dyslexic. He couldn’t read or write until he was 13 years old, he said.
But he was determined to overcome this challenge, which he did. He drew inspiration from his late father, Ray J. Williams, the company’s founder, whom he saw work tirelessly every day to make lives better.
“Every day after work I’d go into my dad’s office (he had me when he was 59),” Williams said. “My dad was my hero and my biggest inspiration – and he continues to be.”
He’d watch his dad hand write employees’ paychecks. Ty would even help hand them out.
One day Ty noticed a check for a particular employee that was more than the usual amount. Ty asked why and his father responded that it actually wasn’t enough, given all the employee had done.
“He said, ‘It’s never about the money, it’s about the people,’” Ty recalled. “If you take care of people, people will take care of you.
“I’ve worked my entire life to help others – built on my dad’s legacy.”

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