Driven: Using Technology To Build A Solo Personal Injury Practice

ATL-Legal-Tech-Non-Event-Promo-Image-1b-editHarry Nilsson famously crooned that “one is the loneliest number.”

And, while it may seem like trying to launch a solo personal injury practice is a pretty lonely world, and maybe also represents an impossible task, with all of the big players out there, that’s not necessarily the case. With the right amount of pluck, and the right tech, you can crush it.

That’s why we invited Brooks Derrick, of Derrick Law Office, onto the Non-Eventcast. Brooks tells you why he started a solo personal injury law firm (2:58), before addressing why he made technology investments in his firm at various stages of its development (5:27). 

Brooks talks over how he built workflows, and implemented them through CRM product, PipeDrive (9:24), and case management software, FileVine (11:48). Brooks also talked about how he defines and implements KPIs (15:51). Brooks finishes up by discussing how he stays active in his local community (22:23), while still finding time to spend with his family (27:04).

If you think building a lifestyle solo law firm in a competitive practice area is impossible, listen to this podcast, and find out how it’s done.

(And check out the Non-Event if you’d like more on the latest advances in CRM and case management tech.)


Jared Correia, a consultant and legal technology expert, is the host of the Non-Eventcast, the featured podcast of the Above the Law Non-Event for Tech-Perplexed Lawyers. 

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