Dreaming of Deutschland: 11 Tips for A First-Time Traveler On A German Adventure

Germany is a diverse country. You may not necessarily know everything about it upon your arrival, but that’s why a guide of sorts will come in handy. Here are the best tips for first-time travelers visiting Deutschland, given by online users.

1. Go Online

Go Online Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You can get a ton of travel information online. Google Maps and Trip Advisor will offer all the details you need to plan your German trip, and YouTube will show you anything you’re wondering about. Online information will give you the best hints on flight tickets, hotels, and budget, depending on the time of the year you want to travel.

2. Don’t Waste Money on Travel Agents

Don’t Waste Money on Travel Agents Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You may feel like a travel agent may plan your trip better, but you can do everything more conveniently. Don’t book anything with third-party sites, as you’ll waste a lot of money—book directly with your service provider. For instance, book your flights directly on an airline and look into accommodation at the hotel website.

3. Understand the Currency

Understand the Currency Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A German native said, “In Germany, you can use a card anywhere. I recommend getting tap payment like ApplePay, as it will make things easier. You still want some euros, though. You can get them from your local bank before you travel. If you need to use an ATM for any reason, search online how to do it.”

4. Think of Us When Renting a Car

Think of Us When Renting a Car Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Renting a car in Germany is much like renting one in the US. A travel expert added, “I will always get insurance in Germany. Charging for minor scratches is business there, or at least it seems.” Even so, depending on your location, you may not need a car. The public transit is excellent. There are a few places you must drive to, but leave the rest for enjoyment using public trains and buses.

5. Have a Guidebook

Have a Guidebook Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“A travel guidebook will always come in handy in Germany. It will lead you to different places, depending on the adventure you’re seeking,” said another traveler. If you’re not sure which guidebook to use, a simple online search will give you the best results as well as much-needed user reviews.

6. Travel During the Holidays

Travel during the Holidays Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Most people will tell you that traveling during the holidays is expensive, and rightfully so! Everyone is looking to make the most of destinations, and prices skyrocket. But when visiting Germany, the holidays are the best time to go. They offer a complete, immersive experience of the culture. The Christmas markets, traditions, and history during this time are great!

7. Remember Your Dining Etiquette

Remember Your Dining Etiquette Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Germany has a lot of good questions for two hours to enjoy. It’s not typical for a host or hostess to sit you down in a restaurant. If it feels like they are never coming back, they probably aren’t. Go ahead and sit at any table you want, as this is how Germans dine. If there is a “please wait” sign, it’s a fancier establishment. If you wish for tap water, specifically ask for it, as Germans love sparkling water and would offer it by default. Don’t forget to try as much German food as you can handle!

8. Understand Different German Practices

Understand Different German Practices Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While Germans are known for a broader culture, there are also specific practices depending on where you visit. “Bavarian has Germans wearing dirndls and drinking Stein beer where locals in Berlin may not do the same,” advised a German platform member.

9. Have a Travel Adapter

Have a Travel Adapter Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Germans commonly use the Euro plug (type c), the most common in the country. You’ll also see a bit of type E and F plugs with a similar design to the type c plug. You definitely want to be able to charge your devices, so carry a travel adapter, which will fit in all sockets.

10. Pick up a Few German Words

Pick up a few German Words Image Credit: Shutterstock.

German is a complicated language to speak when you’ve never learned it. But you can try to learn a few words ahead of your trip as they will help you interact with the locals. Comments like “Guten Tag” (good day), “Tschüss” (goodbye), and “danke” (thank you) should be in your arsenal. If all fails, a good translation app will help you get by.

11. Tap Into Your Green Side

Tap Into Your Green Side Image Credit: Shutterstock.

On the platform, Germans state they are environmentally unconscious. “Lights off when you leave, and don’t leave the heat cranked or water running unnecessarily,” advises one. Be mindful of these things, and you’ll enjoy your trip to the country.



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