Chasing Early Retirement Dreams, DBS Bonus Issue, and Foreign Property Buyers

Welcome back, friends! This week’s Retire Rich Weekly dives into three hot topics: turning dreams into reality, understanding the recent DBS bonus issue, and the changing landscape of foreign property buyers in Singapore.

#1. Dreams Don’t Happen on Their Own: A Lesson from “One Piece”

Who here has watched “One Piece” on Netflix? Captain Luffy’s unwavering pursuit of his dreams is seriously inspiring. It reminds me why I’m here: to help you achieve financial freedom and that sweet, sweet early retirement.

There’s a quote in the show from Zeff, the owner of Baratie, that hit me. He was encouraging Sanji to pursue his dream of finding the rumoured chef’s paradise, All Blue. He said,

“It’s one thing to have a dream, it’s another to go after it.”


p data-sourcepos=”9:1-9:237″>But here’s the thing – many people dream of quitting the daily grind…


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