Building your Teaching Resume

Erica here. 

Did you know I used to be a high school history teacher? Way back in the dark ages, when my kids were small, I taught history classes. Well, social studies classes, since I taught economics as well as western civilization and government as well as US History. 

The skills I learned in those classrooms has helped me build my teaching resume for writing workshops and conferences. Teaching in such places has many benefits for a writer:

1. Exposure. Getting your name, face, and work out there to writers, who are also readers.

2. Networking. Meeting other writers, publishers, editors, and agents in the business who are also on faculty. Making friends and building connections.

3. Helping. Helping aspiring writers to climb that publishing mountain. Paying forward all the help you received on your journey.

4. Discipline. Teaching workshops helps you discipline yourself in your presentation, your communication, and your reliability.

There are some things you can do to help make your classes top notch.

1. Hone your craft. Read books on the writing craft. Take workshops. Learn all the time.

2. Learn your way around Powerpoint and the various hookups you need to use technology in the classroom. When you’re taking a class, study what you like about the slides, the lighting, the fonts, etc.

3. Write. Keep writing books, incorporating what you learn through study. Keep your skills up to date.

So, how does one go about getting invited to teach? Most novelists don’t publish one book and instantly jump on the lecture circuit. (There are some exceptions, but they are just that. Exceptions.)

1. Start Small.

There’s nothing wrong with humble beginnings. Contact your local MOPS group coordinator. Give a devotional at a baby shower or bridal shower. Make contact with a bookstore or library to do a book signing and book talk. Advertise on your website and social media that you would love to talk to book clubs. Get comfortable speaking to people about your books, about your journey, etc.

2. Local/State Writing Groups

Join and attend writing groups. These groups are often looking for speakers on various topics. Let them know you’re available. Then wow them with a great presentation. Ask if they will write a testimonial for you to use in promoting your speaking/teaching. 

3. Apply when the word goes out

Often conferences will issue an open call for workshop teachers/topics. Study recent conferences and see what students are interested in, and what conferences are looking for when it comes to topics. 

4. When you’re called upon, deliver!

Professional presentation, crisp handouts, great communication, prompt attendance, go the extra mile. All of these will not only make for a great teaching session, but will also increase the likelihood of you being asked back, or having your name spread to other conferences as a writing teacher who delivers the goods.

I’ve taught at retreats, libraries, writer’s groups, single and multi-day conferences. I started small, and I continue to build my teaching resume. I love talking about writing, and I love talking to writers. I hope this will help you, if you want to begin speaking at workshops and conferences.

Best-selling, award-winning author, Erica Vetsch loves Jesus, history, romance, and sports. When she’s not writing fiction, she’s planning her next trip to a history museum. You can connect with her at her website, where you can learn about her books and sign up for her newsletter, and you can find her online at where she spends way too much time!


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