4 Steps New Real Estate Agents Can Take Right Now to Succeed – RisMedia.com

After a few hectic years, it seems that we’re returning to a more balanced market—one that an estimated 70% of real estate agents who have been in the business for five years or less have never experienced. Change can be hard, and many agents are starting to question if they actually have a solid business—or worse, they’re leaving the industry.
This doesn’t have to be their fate. For those who love what they do and are willing to put in the work needed, there are great opportunities ahead.
Here are four steps agents can take right now to make the most of their opportunity in this great business to propel their success.
This is where you, the calm, confident professional, come in. Be sure you’re getting your information from valid sources. Know your market inside and out. Many times, what’s happening in other parts of the country (or even your own state) is different from what’s happening in your community. By knowing what’s true where you serve, you can share that with your clients so they can make an educated and informed decision.
Show them that you’re a competent professional who is consistent in staying in touch and well-educated in all things real estate.

Are you ready to take your career to the next step and beyond? We’ve got you. Visit www.buffiniandcompany.com/100DTG to learn more.

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If you can cold call leads to convince them to become your clients, then striking up a friendship with someone else in your office will be a piece of cake. If you aren’t going to try to get to know your teammates, why bother joining a team… Read More
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