2023: Trev returns to Texas for National Poetry Month incorporating NaPoWriMo: Part 8 Midland to Edinburg

Image: Clark’s with Ivy, it’s always great to get there and give her a hug, later I’l be taking her for walks



17.04.23 – 131:83) I wake it’s early. I look at the clock and think

I can stay in bed no longer, the call of the road the stronger

I rise, shower, dress, pack, load and away, another travelling day

Just one more for a road poet on tour

As usual it’s dark as I leave another car park

Before break of day, I’ll call for coffee on the way

Car into gear, “thinkin’ time to get outa here”

Takin, the same route as last year

But before I go I posted it on facebook so friends’ll know

Once again, The Road Poets gonna be drivin’ across the Texas Plain

An’ one to friends in The Valley to say The Road Poet’s on his way

132:84)I’m away, 157 found, then 137 Southward bound

Memories comin’ back of last year, when the roads were clear

Gospel music on the air, a musical version of The Lord’s Prayer

Through Big Lake, it’s still dry, Ozona an’ then

I run to San Antonio on the I-10  Along it I run givin’ Beast 2 some gun

San Antonio I’m goin’ through an’ I ain’t seen

Anywhere sellin’ cheap gasoloine

So I pay a higher price but I ain’t got the blues

I’m thinkin’ some you win some you lose

281 give Beat 2 some more gun

Down the road I’m goin, country music flowin’

Lunchbreak at MacDonalds so I can use their free WiFi

Messages sent to say I’m at Falfurrias not far away

Meal done, last part of the run, soon to my delight, McAllen’s in sight

Things are on track, an’ The Rhymey Limey’s back


133:85)And so to Clarks, the usual greeting on meeting

A friend almost at journey’s end

He tells me Ivy’s in the car and won’t come out

I go an’ see if I can sort things out

Wonderin’ what it could be, then I see

Her lead stuck under the spare tyre, I lift it an’ she’s free

Ready to come to me

An I’m delighted when me an’ her are reunited

Me an’ Clark chat a while then we got to go apace

To get the keys for Nianna’s place

From Amy’s at Barnes an’ Noble Book Store

We stay for coffee an’ more

It goes alright an’ we make plans for tomorrow night

Then back to Clarks, Mario’s home, another hug at the end of today’s roam

Clark insists I stay for dinner, no persuadin’ his cookin’s always a winner

We let the conversation flow, then I have to go

Cos’ I need the time to get to Nianna’s an’ finish this rhyme


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